Meet The Flock – Troublemaker


Troublemaker is our main man in command. He’s one of our original Light Brahmas, and there was no doubt from day one that he was a rooster.

As a chick, he was particularly mischievous, earning his name when he was less than a week old. He was always the one who tried to escape from the brooder, squawk like he was being kidnapped upon being picked up, and crane his neck to check out any nearby activity.

Today, he’s grown into the quite the handsome man, tall and broad, with a plump comb and flowing tail feathers. He always takes care of his girls, calling them over for snacks and still wooing them with his little dance.

A laid back and friendly fellow, Troublemaker still comes running over to eat from our hands, and gets along with the other guys, but isn’t afraid to show his top dog status when the guineas start harassing his ladies.