Posted on September 25, 2023 by Hill to Holler Homestead
Loudmouth earned his name while he was still in the egg.
Just after the clutch of eggs went into lockdown, a loud chirping started coming from the incubator, and the next day he was the first one of the bunch to break free from his shelled confines.
Ironically, once he hatched all that commotion stopped, and he was one of the quietest chicks of the bunch. Even as an adult, Loudmouth rarely crows. He’ll join in when the rest of the guys have a crowfest, but otherwise he’s quiet guy.
Being half Light Brahma and half Barred Rock, Loudmouth is a tall, broad-chested, and handsome hunk, and picking him up is like lifting a feathered bowling ball. He’s very laid back and doesn’t even object to the occasional cuddles and snuggles.
Category: Chickens, Meet the Flock Tags: barred rock, brahma, flock, hen, homestead, rooster
albumen baby chick barbara barred rock brahma candling chalazae chick chicken chickens chicks colors cuckoo marans double easter egger eat egg eggs flock frizzle guinea hatch hatching hen hilltoholler homestead homesteadlife how to incubate incubating incubation leghorn light brahma loretta martha meet the flock peeppeep pullet rooster silkie sniper spots the mayor white yellow
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