Meet The Flock – Lucielle

Easter Egger chicken with orange feathers

Lucielle, also one of our OG ladies, is an easter egger and our first blue/green layer. She’s not the most astute and will often be found frantically running to catch up with the rest of the flock, as though she’s late to a party,…

Candling Eggs at Day 7

We candled our eggs at the 7 day mark to check each one for development. The appearance of spidery veins, and a faint but slightly moving dark spot in the egg indicates that there is a growing embryo inside. Due to the shell color,…

Meet The Flock – Barbara

Barred Plymouth Rock Chicken

Barbara is a Barred Plymouth Rock, grouchy as can be, and walks around the yard grumbling “bar, bar, barrrr, braaack…” as she forages for goodies. One of our OG ladies, she’s social enough if there’s food involved, often coming over to eat from our…

Hatching Chicks 2/2023

Our first time-lapse video of chicks hatching in the incubator.