Lilly and Daisy were the police of the flock when together, but after losing her sister, Lilly developed a new personality. Lilly is a plump Silver Laced Wyandotte, whose round physique shows how much she loves to spend the day foraging for whatever bugs…
The five guineafowl in our flock are, more often that not, collectively known as “The Looneybins”. It’s not that we can’t tell them apart- there are two pearl, three pied, a female of both, and they all have unique markings- it’s more being able…
Loretta is our newest of the “big ladies”, joining us on October 4th 2022. She was named in tribute to Loretta Lynn who had unfortunately left this world that morning. An Olive Egger, Loretta reliably provides a splash of color to our egg basket,…
Troublemaker is our main man in command. There was no doubt from day one that he was a rooster.
Sniper is one of our original six Light Brahmas, and joined our flock when she was just a few days old, still tiny, fluffy, and adorable. That cuteness never fooled anyone though- she hatched with the eyes and beak of a seasoned hunter, which…
Lucielle, also one of our OG ladies, is an easter egger and our first blue/green layer. She’s not the most astute and will often be found frantically running to catch up with the rest of the flock, as though she’s late to a party,…
We candled our eggs at the 7 day mark to check each one for development. The appearance of spidery veins, and a faint but slightly moving dark spot in the egg indicates that there is a growing embryo inside. Due to the shell color,…
Our first time-lapse video of chicks hatching in the incubator.