Troublemaker is our main man in command. There was no doubt from day one that he was a rooster.
We will have more chicks hatching around 3/25 🐣🐥Please message us on Facebook, via the chat button below, or email if you’re interested. 🌈 Color Layer Mix Light Brahma rooster over the following hens-Crested Cream Legbar (blue)Easter Egger (teal)Olive Egger (green)Cuckoo Marans (cocoa)…
Sniper is one of our original six Light Brahmas, and joined our flock when she was just a few days old, still tiny, fluffy, and adorable. That cuteness never fooled anyone though- she hatched with the eyes and beak of a seasoned hunter, which…
Lucielle, also one of our OG ladies, is an easter egger and our first blue/green layer. She’s not the most astute and will often be found frantically running to catch up with the rest of the flock, as though she’s late to a party,…
We candled our eggs at the 7 day mark to check each one for development. The appearance of spidery veins, and a faint but slightly moving dark spot in the egg indicates that there is a growing embryo inside. Due to the shell color,…
Our first time-lapse video of chicks hatching in the incubator.